Calling all pub landlords! Get the most out of the 2018 FIFA World Cup this summer…
It’s not just about the Three Lions, England fans are first and foremost devoted football fans and will be more than content watching highlights of Morocco vs. Iran. But with so much competition and so many pub/bar options for customers to choose from, how do you make your joint boast the best pint in town?
Screen Size
Undoubtedly one of the deciding factors for roaming football fans is your screen. LCD, plasma, or an overhead projector. The bigger, the better. Customers want HD or UHD functions. All games are broadcast on BBC and ITV, so this shouldn’t be a problem.
Opening Times
An obvious and simple one. This time around, the games kick off between 11am and 7pm and there are up to 4 games televised per day. Ensure you’re able to show as many games as possible. Consider employing temporary staff or increasing staff hours if necessary to maintain the high-quality service. It may be helpful to ask staff in advance not to book holidays around this period, if it can be helped, in order to have plenty of help on call.
Food and Drink
One of the deal-breakers of any pub or bar, a vast array of food and drink on offer could entice customers time and time again, even after England crash out and the tournament is done and dusted. Why not try mixing things up a little by creating football-inspired drinks? Or bring in some cultural indie craft ales to make your bar truly stand out. If not, renaming traditional ales may even suffice.
Pub-going football fans can be a funny bunch and they often love a good chinwag. Ensure your staff are up to scratch with teams, tournament format, fixtures, and star players to keep the crowd happy.
Consider where you’ll place the TV(s) and tables carefully. Can you make extra space for those punters turning up late? If there are no seats available, customers may well go elsewhere. Try to space-save as much as possible to capitalise on the grandest of sporting events.
Lighting plays a key part in the success of a pub, especially when football is on. Ensure the screens don’t suffer from sun glare to keep your customers glued to the screen.
Something that’s always a juggling ball with pub landlords is price competition. You don’t want to sell yourself short or price yourself out of the market. Stake out what other pubs are doing and, using promotional offers, aim to be as competitive as possible.
Promotional Offers
With so much competition, your closest rivals are bound to do anything they can to get customers through their doors, including offering free drinks, competitions, football quizzes, and more. Having customers guess the correct score for a prize could help draw the punters in.
If your clientele is a rowdy bunch, will this interfere with your usual business? If it’s too quiet, people might be put off and go elsewhere. Finding that balance can be difficult, but it’s why you’re a landlord, right?
One more thing…
Remember, too, that if customers are impressed with your place, they’re likely to come back. And given there are so many games on, you could be guaranteed of a successful World Cup campaign for your business, regardless of the outcome for England.
With emotions likely to be running high, increasing the risk of trouble, ensure your premises has an appropriate and dedicated cover to protect you and your business.